Exploring the Nature of Value Based Work and Living
Values are integral to all that I do, in fact they are my basis, connected to my purpose and are embedded throughout my approach, interactions and focus areas.
Their roots are built on underlying care, kindness and creativity for community, society and the environment and making positive contributions and impact towards them. Constantly evolving, growing, digging deeper, exploring and connecting with my true human nature and what this collectively means
Enabling and empowering relationships that work together to achieve positive social and environmental change.
CURIOUS by Nature
Staying open and curious, constantly stepping back and questioning. Continually learning
CARING by Nature
Putting care and kindness for each other, our local and global community, and the earth, at the heart of our work
Valuing and practising creativity, both as a catalyst for change but also for supporting our own and collective health wellbeing
Values are the principles or standards that we each carry through our lives and that guide and inform our thoughts, attitudes and actions. They influence, and are influenced by, our experience of the society in which we each live. Our values help determine what is important to us and shape how we interact with other people and the more-than-human world.
CoMMON Cause Foundation
These are just a few key ones that encompass much of my thinking and way of working
You can read more about values and intrinsic and extrinsic motivations at Common Cause. Alongside this Brene Brown has resources around operationalising values in the Daring to Lead Hub