Storytelling with design

Design Talks, Panels, Podcasts, Facilitation, Lectures, Research, Writing and Collaborating
Covering topics of sustainability, ecodesign, circular economy and emerging eco trends, lifestyles, products and insights, to seed and grow inspiration and action.
Talks can either be online or in person (depending on sustainable travel options)
Talks, Keynotes, Podcasts and Facilitation
My talks are often personal, honest, practical and crafted to consider the audience and those I work with. I design them to stretch and challenge, but also to meet people where they are, create feeling and open environments to question, learn, inspire and empower
Evolving role of design & engineering
Exploring, insights and practical tips on “How to be a designer in a world that doesn’t really need more things”
What are designers and engineers role in our complex and changing world (particularly considering resource use)
Sustainable Circular Living and Business
Weaving personal insights, experience, values and challenges into sustainable living, and the products and businesses, behaviours that support this
Specialist Topics
Various specialist topics and subject, such as, ethical and circular tech to open design and innovation and explorations in regenerative business and wellbeing
For Young People
I often get invited to give talks in schools or conferences for young people. These can also be delivered online
To inspire in sustainable careers, design topics and linking with STEAM / STEM subjects, alongside encouraging more women in tech.
I’m passionate and support all of this and to make this sustainable Co-founded Design Nature CIC ( a social enterprise)

A Selection of Inperson and Online
- 2024 - onwards - various as Visiting Professor Glasgow School of Art
- 2024 - International Womens Day Shark Ninja Explorations in Design and Engineering
- 2023 - Henley Business School & Reading University Entrepreneur Conference - "Cultivating Considered Design & Tech For Life" trends and insights
- 2023 - Women's Institute, Hampstead Norreys- "Designing in a world full of stuff"
- 2022 - Girls into Coding - "The Nature of Energy"
- 2022 - Loughborough University - "Designing Good Business"
- 2021 - Podcast - Impact Goal Rush - "Cultivating positive impact and circular design"
- 2021 - Henley Business School & Reading University Entrepreneur Hub - "Design For ....?, Exploring ways of designing better, for people and planet"
- 2021 - Julies Bicycle and Focusrite - "Designing and Manufacturing Change"
- 2021 - 2023 - Reading University - "Product Level LCA Circles, Stories and Business Models"
- 2021 - Warwick Manufacturing Group - "Design For ....?, Exploring ways of designing better, for people and planet"
- 2021 - Reading climate Festival - "the Nature of Technology" talk and interactive workshop
- 2021 - Exchange 4 Change Brasil World Circular Economy Forum - "Circular Economy, Global Discussion, Brazilian Learnings" - panel as a book contributor
- 2020 - 2021 - Circular Coffee + Conversations - hosting Bi-weekly live, open, circular conversations
- 2020 - Podcast - Prompted By Nature 2.4 - "Creative Sustainability and the Joy of Buying Less"
- 2020 - RSA Reading Wild Wellbeing evening - "Exploring Nature's Influence on Design and Life"
- 2020 - MAKE UK National Conference - "The Evolving Nature of Design and Manufacturing"
- 2019 - The Things Conference on Tour - " How to be a designer in a world that doesn't really need more Things"
- 2019 - Julie's Bicycle - "In the loop - Circular Innovation and Plastic Waste in the Creative Industries" panel facilitator
- 2019 - Southern Manufacturers Dinner after dinner speech with The Business Magazine - "Manufacturing Change"
- 2019 - MAKE UK Southern Group - Insights and experience around the circular economy, sustainable design and manufacturing
- 2019 - Leighton Park Green Big Bang Careers and Global Mindedness - "How to be a a designer in a world that doesn't really need more "stuff"?"
- 2018 - IET Reading STEM - Plastic, Products, People and the Planet - The evolving role of a Design Engineering in a complex and changing world
- 2018 - Festival of Digital Disruption FODD - Sustainable Circular Product Design Process - Speaker and mentor for student teams
- 2018 - UTC Reading - The Grand Hack - Sustainable Product Design Speaker and mentor for student teams
- 2017 - IKEA HQ Global Team day Keynote - "Design for (Everyday) Life"
- 2016 - Makerhood at the Remakery - Scaling Sustainably?
- 2016 - RWM - The People's Design Lab - "Empowering people to rethink and redesign bad products"
- 2016 - Reading Geek Night - Open and Collaborative Design for a Circular Economy
- 2015 - Sustainable Innovation - Thoughts on 20 years of Sustainable Design and Innovation
- 2015 - Sustainable Innovation - Open Design Approaches for Sustainable Innovation
- 2015 - Wuthering Bytes Festival - Building Open Collaboration for a Circular Economy