It’s been a while, there’s alot going on in the world and I’ve had my head down on multiple projects and organisations that I work with. Focusing on the doing. Alongside this juggling some chronic health elements in my life.
I’ve a long, ongoing project to sort through, weave and make sense and share more of what over 14 year of working in sustainable, circular, regenerative design in various forms and all that it has taught and evolved with me.
Here’s a starting list I found on my computer today that I’d started writing a while ago.
It made me smile, it reminded me of my purpose and it made me breathe……. perhaps it may help you too in some way.
A mini Manifesto for why Design or more of a note to self
- Pause, go slower and continually reflect, fast is overrated
- Always question, why?
- Explore systems and layers, zoom in and out of the system, business, product
- Creativity is the way, you have to consciously nurture it
- Continually reflect on values and how these are used and activated
- Explore, support, lift and make use of what’s already there, design resources, organisations, people
- Design with responsibility, design with care, design with heart
- Grow, but your own way and be mindful of enough
- Don’t get sucked into the commericalisation, tech, building brand and ego rather than real impact hype
- Observe and listen, inspiration is everywhere – tune into all your senses
- Look and be curious of the past, be and do in the present, imagine and create the future
- Honour the wisdom of others, those before, indigenous and cultures around the world
- Look to nature for guidance and integration
- Design with all and in mind, people, community, citizens and the more than human world
- Design together, collaborate, be more open
- Get curious about materials, the economy, systems
- Find joy, enjoy the journey and be open to continually evolve
- Spend more time offline
- Spend more time in nature, moving more
- Live, breathe ……..slower, deeper, breathe
- Be